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Part IL The Living Temple. 179 Then, though the Spirits of Men fwell as Mountains in proud Enmity and Oppofition (which mutt be level- led where this Building is defign'd) thofe Mountains thall appear Bubbles : what are they before this great Underta- ker? They (hall become a Plain. When the Head-Stone is brought forth with Shoutings ; unto which the Cry (hall be Grace, Grace 5 This is the Stone laid Ifa. 28. in Sionfor a Foundation, fore and tried, Pfa. I'S. eleîi and precious, difaliow'd by Men, but chofen of God, the Chief Stone of I Pet. 2. the Cornér. A living ípirtous Stone, from which is a mighty E`a?uence of Life and Spirit, all to attract and ani- mate Other Stones, and draw them in- to Union with it fey, fo as to compact and raife up this admirable Fabrick, a Spiritual Houfe, for Spiritual Sacrifice, acceptable to God by Jesus Chrifi. A Stone that (hall fpre_d Life through zed,. ,. the whole Frame : Cal l'd therefore a80- Branch, as well as a Stone, whereto is attributed the Work, and the Glory of Building God's Temple. Behold theCh.6. Man ivhofe Name is the Branch, and he jhall groin up out of his place, and he fgall build the Temple of the Lord, even hefhall build the Temple ofthe Lord, and N 2 he