Part II. The Living Temple. i 8 Religion, as is known to be common to Men, is overcome, and turn'd into Willingnefs and inclination towards him ! And whereby that great Primary Temple, CHRIST Replenifhed with the Divine Fulnefs, multiplys it felf into fo many, or enlarges it Pelf into that one, his Church 5 called alto his Body, (as bothhis very Body, and that Church are called his Temple) the I ulnefs of him that filleth all in all. Nor needs it fcruple us, or give us any trouble, that we find this Name of a Temple pla- ced upon a goodMan, fngy and alone, fometitnes, upon the whole Community of fP,ch together. Each one bears a double Habitude, direct towards God, by which he is capable of being his private Manfion ; Collateral towards our FelloirChriflians,whereby he is a part of his more enlargedDwelling. Whenfo- ever then, any acceffion is made to this Spiritual Temple, begun in Chrifl him- felf, it is done by a farther Dfufron cf that Spirit, whereof that Original Temple is the firft Receptacle. VIII. But