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82 The Living Temple. Part IL VIII. But moreover, becaufe it was a ra- tional Subjeci that was to be wrought up- on ; it is alfo to be expe&ed, that the Work it felf be done in a rational way. Thefe that muft be made living, and that were before intelligent Stones, were not to be hew'd, fquar'd, poiilht, and, mov'd to and fro by a violent hand ; but being to be rendred willing, muft be dealt with in a Way fuitable to the Effe L to be wrought. They are them- felves to come, as lively Stones, to the Living Corner Stone, by a vital act of their own Will : Which, we know, is not to be mov'd by force, but rational Allurement. Wherefore, this being the thing to be brought about, it is not e- nough to enquire, or underfianti, by what Power ; but one would alfo covet to know, by what Motive, or Induce- ment, is this Willingnefs and vital Co- operation brought to pats ; and we $hall find this Original 1'emple, the [Em- manuel] had not only in it a Spring of u tcient Power, but alto, 2dly,