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Part II. The Living Temple. 183 2:11y. Carded with it enoggh of Ar- gument and rational Inducement, where- by toperfivade, and overcome our Wills into a chearful Compliance and Confent. And that, i. As it was it feif the fignff;cant IX. .Demonjiration of Divine .Love : Than which nothing is more apt to move, and work upon the Spirit ofNan. The Hof.' LI_ Bonds of Love are the lordi of a .Man, of an attraaive Power, mofI peculiarly fuitable to Human Nature 1-Te love him, becaufe he jirli loved us. This is rationalMagnetifm 5 when in the whole Sphere ofBeings, we have fo numerous Infiances of things that propagate them- felves, and beget their like; Can we fuppofe the Divine Love to be only barren and deftitute of this Power? And we find, among thofe that are born of God, there is nothing more eminently confpicuous, in this Produftion, than Love. This New Creature were oiler- wifea Dead Creature. This i3 its very Heart, Lift, and Soul: That which as and moves it towards God, and is the Spring of all, holy Operations. Since then Low is found in it, and is fo mince