i S4 The Living Temple. Part II. siinent apart of its Compofition ; what fhould be the Parent of this Love, but Love? Nor is this a blind, or unintelligent Produtlion, in refpeCt of the manner of it, either on the part of that which begets, or of that which is begotten. Not only he who is propagating his own Love, defigns it, and knows what he is about ; but he that is hereby made to Love, knows whereto he is to beformed, and receives, through an enlightned Mind, the very Principle, Power, and Spirit ofLove. Is his Love the Caufe ofours? Or do we love him, becaufe he loved us firft ? And what fort of Caufe is it ? Or how loth it work its Efféci', otherwile than as his Love tefti- fied, and expreffing it felf, lets us fee how reafonable and congruous it is, that we fhould love back again : As is more than intimated by the fame facred Wri- th- i6. ter in that Epiftle. Hereby perceive we the Love of God, &c. Somewhat or other mutt firft render his Loveperceiv- able to us, that thereby we may be in- duced to bye him for his own, and our Brother for hisfake. And again, We have known and believ'd the Love that v:i bath'tó us. God is Love, &c. f