Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part Ii. The Living Temple. 1'85 ter which it {hortly follows, we love hint, becaufe he loved usfirfl, q. d. The way ofGod's bringing us to that Love- Union with hirnfelf, that we, by Love dwell in hint, and he in us, is by his repreTenting bimfelf a Being of Love ; 'Till he beget in us that apprehenlion of himfelf; and we be brought to know and believe the Love that he hath to- wards us this is not clone. But where have we that Reprefenta- tion of God's Love towards us, fave in Emmanuel ? This is the Sum of the Minifry [of Reconciliation] (or which is all one) [ofmaking Men love God] to wit, that God was in Chr?fl reconciling the World to himfelf, &c.2 Cor. 5. 18, t 9. This was the very Make and Frame, the Conflitution and Defign of the Ori- ginal Temple, to be the Tabernacle of Ì'hitnefs. A vifible Teflimony of the Love ofGod, and of his kind and gra- dons Propenfions towards the Race of Men, however they were become an Apofate and Degenerous Race. To Iet them fee how inclin'd and willing he was to become acquainted again with them, and that the old Intimacy, and Friendfhip, long fince out-worn, might be renewed. And this gracious Incli- natioaz