Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

i86 The Living Temple. Part II. nation was teftify'd. Partly by arifi's taking up his Abode on Earth or by the yoh. 4.. ereding of this Original Temple, by the Word's being made Elelh. Wherein (as ;va.,z,,,,,r2t, the G;-eekexpreffes t) he did Taberna- cle among us. That whereas we did dwell here in Earthly Tabernacles (only now dellitute and devoidof the Divine Prefence) He moji kindly comes and pitches his Tent, amongft our Tents. Sets up his Tabernacle, by ours, reple- nifht and full of God : So that here the Divine Glory was familiarly vifible, the Glory ofthe only begotten Son of the Father, fhining with mild and gentle Rays, fuch as (hould allure, not efr;ght us,nor their terror make us afraid.A is mac condefcendingly put on, left Majefiy ihould toopotently ftrike dii- accuftomn'd, and mifgiving Minds. And what is more terrible of this Glory, is allay'd by being interwoven with Grace andTruth. ,Upon this account might it now truly be proclaim'd, Behold! the Tabernacle of God is with Men! That is performed which once feem'd hard- ly credible, and (when that Temple was rais'd that was intended but for a Type, and Shadow of this) was fpoken of with wondering Expogulation, In ve- , ry