Part IL The LivirgTemple. I87 ry deed will God dwell with Men on Earth! Whereas it might have been reafenably thought, reds World fhould have been fir ever forfaken of God, and no appearance of him ever have been rem here, unlefs with a Defign of taking Vengeance: How unexpeded and fur- prifing a thing was this, that in a fiate of fo Co mfortlefs Darknefs, and Defo- lfition, the Day-Spring from on high fhould vifit it, and that God lima come down, and fettle himfeif in fo mean 4 Dwelling, on purpofe tofeek. the Acquain- tance of his offending, diraleged Crea- tures! But chiefly, and more eminent-. ly, this hisgracious Inclination was te- ffify'd. By the manner and defign of his lea,- vine this his Earthly Abode ; and yield- ing that his Temple to Deftruaion Defiroy this Temple, and I will raife it up. This being an animated Living Temple, could not be defiroy'd with- out Senfe of Pain, unto which it could not willingly become fubjed, but upon Defign, and that could be no other than a align ofLove. When he could have commandedTwelve Legions of Angels, to have been the Guardians of this Temple, to expofe it to the Vio- lence