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Part II. The Living Temple. 189 he came down. He came down, that by Dying, and defcending low into the lower parts ofthe Earth, he might make Way for a glorious Afcent, and afcen- ded that he mightfill all things, that he Epp,. 4: might give Gifts to Men, even the Re- bellious alfo, that he might dwell amongPfa. 68; them. Not, I fay, to infifC on this, which thews the POWER by which thofe great Effects were wrought, we may alfo, here, confider the Way where- in they were wrought, i. e. by Way of Reprefentation and Demonftration ofthe Divine Love to Men. How brightly did this Chine in the Glorious Ruin and Fall of this Temple. Herein, how did redeeming Love triumph ! howmigh- tily did it conquer, andflay the Enmi- ty that wrought in the Minds of Men before. Here he overcame by Dying, and flew by being Slain. Now were his Arrows (harp in the Hearts of Ene- Pfa. 45, mies, by which they became fìtbject. What wounded him, did by a ftrong Re- verberation, wound them back again. How inwardlywere thoufands ofthem pierc'dby thefight ofhimwhom they had pierc'd ! How fharp a Sting was in thofe Words ! Therefore, Let all the Houfe ofIfrael know afuredly, that God hathA&- 2 made thatfame 7efus, whomye Crucify'd, both