Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

19O The Living Temple. Part IL both Lord and Chrifi ! For it immedi- ately follows, When ihey heard this, they were prickt to the ilieart. They that Crucif7'd him,are Cruci y'd with him ; Are now in. Agonies,. and willing to yield to any thing they are required. Men and Brethren, what fhall we do? He May have Temples now, for taking them. The moil obdurate Hearts are overcome; and what could be fo po- tent an Argument ? What fo accommo- date to the Nature of Man ? So irrelilt- ible by it ? To behold this Live-Tem- ple of the Living God : The facred Habitation ofa Deity, full ofpure and holy Life and Vigor, by vital Union with the Eternal Godhead, voluntari- ly devoted and made fubje& to the moft painful and ignominious Suffering, purpofely to make Atonement for the Offence done, by revolted Creatures, againft their rightful Lord. What Rocks would not rent at this Spe&a cle ! Enough to put the Creation (as it did) into a Paroxyfm, and bringup- on it Travelling Pangs ! And how ftrange if the Hearts of Men, only next, and moil clofely concern'd, fhould alone b:. unnlov'd, and without the c'enfe of fuch Pangs ! Well might it be