Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. i 9 Y be faid, I, if I be lift up, will drat' all Men : Without any fuclIdiminifhing Senfe as to mean, by that all a veryfeu only, not intending fo much by it the Effe& wrought (tho' that alfo be not inconfiderable) as the Power, or natu- ral Aptitude of the Cattle. q. ci. This were enough to vanquish and fubdue the World, to mollify every Heart of Man ; And to leave the Char&er up- on them ofmoll Inhumane(reatures,and unworthy to be called Men, that hall. not be drawn. It might be expe&ed, that every one that bath not abandon- ed Humanity, or bath the Spirit of a Man in him, fhould be wrought upon by this Means. And they cannot but incur molt fearful Guilt even all Men, who once having notice of this Matter, are not effectually wrought upon by it. Upon which account, the .Apo. file asks the Galatians, (who had not o- therwife feen this fight than as the Go- fpel-Narrarive had reprefented it to them) Who had bewitcht them that they fh. ould not obey, before rehofe Eyes Chrifi had beenfet forth Crucify'd among them. Intimating, that he could not account them lets than Lewitcht, whom the Re prelentation