I 92 The Living Temple. Part II, prefentation of Chrifl Crucify'd, did not captivate into his Obedience. And fince, in his Crucifixion, he was a Sacrifice, i. e. Placatory and recon- ciling, and that Reconciliations are al- ways mutual, if both the contending Parties to one another. It mull have theproper Influence of a Sacr?ce im- mediately upon both, and as well mol- lify Mens Hearts towards Cod, as pro- cure that he fhould exprefs favourable Inclinations towards them. That is, that all Enmity fhould ceafe, and be a- bolifht for ever ; that Wrongs be for- gotten, Rights ref or'd, and entire Friendfhip, Amity and free Converfe, be renew'd, and be made perpetual. All which fignifles, that by this means the Spirits of Men be fo wrought upon that they render back to God his on Temple, moll willingly, not rneerly from an apprehension ofhis right, but as overcome byhis love ; and valuing his Prefence more than their own. Life. Guilt is very apt to be always jea- lous. No wonder if the Spirits of Men, confcious of fo great Wrong done toCod sand a fecret Confciouí- nefs there may be evenwhere there are not