Part II. The Living Temple. 1,93 not very diftin& and explicate R.efleeii ons upon the Cafe) be not very eafily induc'd to think God reconcilable.,And ,while he isnot thought fo, what can be expected but obilinate Averron on their part? For what fo hardens as Defpair ? Much indeed, might be col- le&ed, by deeply confidering Minds, of a propenfion, on God's part, to PeaceandFriendthip from the Courfe of his Providence, and prefent Dif- penfation towards the World. His Clemencie, Long-Suffering, and mo(f of all his Bounty, towards them. "1 hefe lead to Repentance in their own natural Tendency Yet are they but dull infipid Gofpel in themfelves, to Men, drown'd in Senfuality, buried inEarthlinefs, in whom the Divine Spirit breathes not, and who have provokt the B. Spirit to keep at a diftance, by having ftupify'd and laid afleep the confidering Power of their ownSpirit. Nor are theft the ufsal Means, apart, and by themfelves, which theSpirit of God, is wont to work by, upon the ,Hearts of Men, as. Experience and Ob- fervation of the Common State of the Pagan World, doth fadly teftify, and without the Concurrence of that Blef- O fed