194 The Living Temple. Part II. fed Spirit, even the molt apt and frita- hle means avail nothing. But nowwhere there is fo exprefs a Teftifìcation, as we-find, in the Gofpel ofChrill, of God's Willingnefs to be reconciled. A Proclamation diftinCt- ly made, that imports no other thing, but Glory to God in the highefi, Peace on Earth, and Good-will towards Men. For Confirmation whereof, the Son of God incarnate, is reprefentedflain, and ofYer'd up a Bloody - Sacrifice ; and that we might fee at once both that- God is reconcilable (by the highett Demonitra- tion imaginable) and how, or upon what Terms he comes to be fo ; no Place for re )fonable Doubt any longer remains. We have , before our Eyes, what,. -by the wonderful Strangenefs of it,fhould ingage the molt ftupid Minds to confi- der the matter, What ought to affv<re the moil mifgiving, doubtfal Mind ; that God is in good Earned, and intends noMockery or Deceit in his offer of Peace. And what ought to melt, mol- lify, and overcome the molt obdurate Heart. Yea,