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Part II. The Living Temple. I Yea, not only what is, in its own Nature, moll apt, to work towards the producing thefe happy Etfe&s, is here to be found ; but wherewith alto, the Spirit ofGrace is ready to concur, and cowork. It being his pleafure, and moft fit, and comly in it fell; that he fhould choofe to unite,and fall in with, the aptefl Means ; andapply himfelf to the Spirits of Men, in a Way moft fuit- able to their own Natures, and moft likely to take and prevail with them. Whereupon the Gofpel is called the Minifiration ofSpirit and Life, and the Power of God to Salvation. But that this Gofpel animated by that mightyand good Spirit, hath not univerfally fpread it felfall the World, only its own re folved, and ref (ting Wickednefs is the faultyCaufe; otherwife there had been Gofpel, and Temples raifed by it every where. 2 This Original PrimaryTemplehath Matter of rational Inducement in it; as it gives us a plain Ikeprefentation of Di- vine Holinefs, brightly Pining in Hu- man Nature. For here was to be feen a aloft pure, ferene, difp3ftionate Mind, unpolluted by any Earthly Tincture, 0 2 inha- 95 IX.