6 The Living Temple. Part `I. inhabiting 'an Earthly Tabernacle, like our own. A Mind adorn'd with the rnoft amhble, lovely Vertues, Faith, Patience, Temperance, Godlinefr, full Of all Righteoufnefs, Goodnefs, Meek- refs, Mercifirinefc, Sincerity, Humility, moft abfirac`ledfrom this World, unmov- ably intent upon what had reference to afuture State of things, and the Affairs of another Country, inflexible, by the Blandialments Senfe, not apt to judge by the i ht of the Eye, or be charmed by what were moil grateful to a. voluptuous Ear, full of Pity 'to- wards a wretched, finful World, corn- paffionate to its Calamities, unprovo- ked by its iharpeft Injuries ; bent upon doing the greateft Good, and prepar- ed to the fui eyingof whtfoever Evil. Here was prefented to common view, A Life tranà&ed agreeably to fuck a Temper of Mind. Of one invariable Tenor, equal, uniform, never unlike it felf, or difagreeingwith the exact- eft, or molt firit Rules. Men might fie a God was come down, to dwell a- mong them. The Brightnefs ofthe Fa- ther's Glory, and the exprefs Image of his .liefn. A Deity inhabiting Ex- tn iiF'lefb, ' forfrch Purpofes as he came for,