Part 7he Living Temple., i ,7 for, ;could not be fuppofed to carry any more becoming appearance, than hedid. Here was, therefore, an exemplary temple. The fair, and lovely Patern, of what we were, each of us, to be córnpofed and form'd unto. Imitating its (for fweeter InfinuationTand Allure- ment) in what was meerly natural, and inviting us to imitate hint, in what MPS (in a Communicable fort) fupernatural and divine. Every one knows how great is the Power of Example, and may collect, . how apt a Method this was, to move and draw theSpirits ofMen. Had on- ly Precepts and lnitruecions been given Men, how they were to prepare and. adorn in themfelves a Temple for the Living God, it had, indeed, been great Vouchrafement; but how much had it farn short of what the prelent State of Man did, in point of means; Need, and call for 1 How great a Defal- cation were it from the Gofpel, ii wé did wart the H ory of the life of C'hrifl! But not only to have been told of what Materials the Temple of God muff contift, but to have feen them cpmpofed, and put together. To have 0 3 oppor