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198 The Living Temple. Part II. opportunity of viewing, the beautiful .Erare in every part,&ofbeholding the lovel y,imi table Glory of the whole,and which we are to follow, tho' we can- not with equalfieps. How merciful Con- defcenfion,&how great an Aclvantage,is this unto us ! We ha`e here a State of entireDevotednefs toGod (the principal thing in the Conititution of his Tem- ple) exemplify'd before our Eyes; to- gether, with what was moil: fuitable betides to fuch a State. Do we not fee how, in a, Body of Fleth, one may be fubje& to the Will of Cod ? To count the doing of it, our Meat and Drink ? When it impofes any thing . grievous to be fuffer'd, to fay, Not my, !Will, but thine be done ? How in al l things, to Peek not our own Glory, but ? And not to pleafe our felves, but him ? How, hereby, to keep his B1ef- fed Pretence with us, and live in his conflant Converfe andFellowfhip, ne- ver to be left alone ; but to h. ave him ever with us, as always aiming to do the things that pleafe him ? Do we not know how to be tempted, and abfrain; injur'd, and forgive ; difoblig'd, and do good ? To live in a tumultuous World, and be at Puce within ? To dwell op Earth,: