Part H. The Living Temple. 199 Earth, and have our Converfation in Heaven?' we feeall thishathbeen done, and much more thanwe can here menti- on :`and by fo lively a'R.eprefentation of the°brighteft DivineExcellencies, beau- tifying-this Original Exemplary Temple, we have a two-fold moft confiderable Advantage towards our becoming fuch, viz. That hereby, both the Pojfibilitky . and the Lovelinefs of-a Temple- (the- thing we are nowour (elves todefign) is'here reprefented to our view By the former whereof,we might be encozsrag'd by the 'latter, allarr'd unto Imitation That working upon. our Rope, this upon our Refire, and Love in order hereto. t.The'Pof ihility°; I mean it not inthe flria fenfe only, as fignifying no more . than that the thing;- imply conflder'd, implies no Repugnance -in-it Pelf; nor is without The reach of absolute (.roan-ipo- tence. For as no one needs to be told; that fuch a thing-is-(in this fenfe) po(fi- ble, lò,.to be told :it wouldfgnify- little to his Encouragement. There are many things, in this fenfe, not impoffì- tie ' whereof no Man can, however, have the leaft rational hope : As, that another World rnay'íhortly be made ; that he ; may be a Prince, or a great 0 4 Mara