2 oo The Living Temple. Part IL Man therein : With a thoufand the like. But I mean it ofwhat is pofJble to Di- vine Power, (i. e. to the Grace and Spirit ofGod) now ready to go forth, in a'Way, andMethod, ofOperation alrea- dyBated, andpitcht uponfor fuch Pur- poles. For having the Reprefentation before our Eyes, of this OriginalTem- ple, i. e. God inhabiting Human Flesh on Earth ; we are not meerly to con- fider it as it is in it felf, and to look upon it as aftrange thing, or as a glori- ous Speclacle, wherein we are no fur- ther concern'd, than only to look up- on it, and take notice that there is, or l-iath been, fuch a thing : But we are to confider, how it came to pals, and with what Defign it was, that fuch a thing Mould be, and become obvious toour view. Why have we fuch a fight of. fer'dus? Or what imports it unto to ? And when we have inform'dour (elves, by taking the Account the Golpel gives us ofthis Matter ; and view'd the Ins fcriptionofthat great NameEmmanuel, by wonderful Contrivance, inwrought into the very Confiitution of this Tetn- $le ; We will then find this to be .in- ended for a Leading Cafe : And that this