Part II. The Living Temple. 2 o this Temple was meant for a Model and Platform of that which we our felves are to become ; or, after which, the Tenaple of od, in us, muff be corn- pos'd, and orrn'd. Ard fo, that this Matter is poffible, to an ordinate Divine Power, even to that mighty Spirit, that refides eminently in this Temple, on purpofe tobe tranfnitted thence, to us, for the framing of us to the likenefs of it, and fo that The thing is not meerly pofble, but defigned allo, viz. That as i Joh. 4, he was, fo we might be in this World 5 unto which is neceffary our believing Intuition towards him, or a fiducial Acknowledgment; That this Jefus is the Son ofGod, come down on put= pole intoHuman rlefh, to bring about an `Jnion between God, and us ; where- upon that inion, it felf, enfues : The Matter is brought about, we come to dwell in God, and he in us. And this Ver. 15. weconed, and conclude from hence, that we find the fame Spirit working and breathing inus,which did in him : Bereby knowwe that we dwell in him, andVer. 13. he in us, becau fe he bathgiven us of his Spirit. And tho' it was an unmeaffired Fulnefs of this Spirit, which dwelt in this Primary Temple ; yet we are taught and