202. The Living Temple. Part II. and encourag'd, hence, to expe6i, that a fufficient and proportionable mea- fare, be imparted to us, that ` we may appear not altogether unlike, or unwor thy of him : That this Temple, and Heb. 2. ours, are ofthe fame make : And both he thatfancl?eth, and they that are fan= Clified, are all of one : That we fo far agree with our Original, that He may not be ajbam'd to call us Brethren. And how aptly doth this tend to ex- citeand raife our Hope of fome great thing to be effeeted in thiskind, inus; when we have the Matter thus exem- plify'd already before our Eyes, and dobehold the exa ir, and perfe& Mo- del, according whereto we our felves a_re to be framed. Nor Both that fignify a little to the drawing of our Wills, or the engag- ing us to a Content, and Co-operati- on, as the Under builders, in the Work ofthis Temple ADefign that, in it felf, appears advantageous, needs nomore to fet it on foot, than that it be reprefented hopeful. No one, that underftands any thing of the Nature of Man, is ignorant of the Power of Hope. This