Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

o4 The Living Temple. Part If. pointments might make them confider, at length, they have been out, all this while, and miftaken the whole Na -. ture and Kindofthe Good, th-, Mull make them happy. They may come to think with themfelves, Somewhat is furely lacking, not only to our pre(ent Enjoyment, but to our very Dejign. Somewhat it mull be,without the com pafs of all our former thoughts, where in our fatisfying Good mule lie. God may come into their Minds ; and they may cry out, Oh! that it it , here it was I miflook, and had forgot my felf. Man once had a God ! and that God had his Temple, wherein he raided, and did convene with Man : Hither he mull be invited back.. Yea, but his Temple lies all in ruin, long ago de- ferted, and difus'd, forfaken upon, Provocation, and with juft Refent went : The. Ruin to be repair'd by no Mortal Hand : The Wrong done, to be expiated by no Ordinary Sacrifice. All this imports nothing but Defpair. But let now the Emmanuel be brought in.; this Original Temple be offer'd to view and the Defign, and Intent of it, be unfolded and laid open : And what. a Spring ofHope is here_! Or, what car now