;Part IT. The Living Temple. ao5 now be wanting to:perfwade a wretch- ed Soiil ofC'od's TVi/Iingnefs to return ? Or, being now fenfible of its Mifery by his Abfence, to make it trilling of his return, yea, and to contribute the ntmoit Endeavour, thatall things may beprepar'd, and put into due order for his Reception ? Or ifany thing should be (kill wanting, it is but what may more work upon Defire, as well as be- get Hope : And to this purpofe, a nar- rower view of this Original Temple al- fo ferves 5 that is, it not only thews the Poff bility, but gives us Opportu- nity to contemplate. 2. TheLovelinefs too offirch a Tem- ple : For here is the faire.t Reprefentati- on that ever this World had, or that could be had, of this molt delegable Objetà. TheDivine Holinefs incarnate did never thine fo bright. And we may eafily apprehend the great Advan- tage, ofhaving fo lively and perfe& a Model fet before us, of what we are to defign and aim at. Rules and Pre- cepts could never haveafforded fofull a Defcription, or have furnifht us with fo perfeE an Idea. He that goes . to build an Houfe, mufthave the Projef t formed