2 o 6 The Living Temple. Part II. formed in his Mind before. And (as bath been faid) he is to make amaterial Houfe of an immaterial : So here we may fay, the real Route is to be built out ofthe mental or notional one. 'Tis true, indeed, when we have got into our Minds the true and full Idea, or Model, of this Temple, our greateft Difficulty is not yet over. How happy were it, if the rest of our Work would as foon be done ! And our Hearts would prefently obey our Light. If theywere du&ile, and eafy to yield, and receive the Stamp and Imprefiion that would correfpond to a well enlightned Mind : If we could prefently become conform, and like to the Notions we have, of what we fhould be : What excellent Creatures íhould we appear, if on the fudden our Spirits did admit the habitual, fix- ed Frame of Holinefs, whereof we fometimes have the Idxa framed in our Minds ? But though tohave that Model tra- Ay formed in our Underftandings, be not flicient, it iS however neceffary. And although our Main Work is not immediately done by it, it can never be one without it : Truth is the Means of Holinefs.