208 The Living Temple. Part II. Howmuch would it conduce to the Work and Service ofGod's Temple in us, if uponour having had fome ge- neral Intimation of his gracious Pro- penfions towards us, to repair our Ruins, and reflore our forlorn de- cay'd State, we begin to lament after him, and conceive inwardRefentments of the Impurities, and Defolations of our Souls And (hall now have the difrin± Reprefentation fet before our Eyes, of that 'glorious Workmanfhip which he means to exprefs in our Re- novation! How taking, and tranfport- ing a fight will this be to a Soul, that is become vile, and loathfome, in its own Eyes ; and weary of being as without God in the World ! But now, wherein fhall he be un- derftood to give us fo exa& an ac- count of his merciful Intendments and Defìgn in thisMatter, as by letting is fee how his Glory fhone in his oron in- carnate Son, his exprefs Image, and then fignifying his Pleafure andPur- pole to have us conform'd to the fame Image. This