Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. 209 This is his (molt apt and efficaci- ous) Method, when he goes about to raife his newCreation, and ere& his in- ner Temple (as it was, in force refpeel-, his way, whenhe made his firft great outer Temple of the World) God, that 2 Cot. 4, commandedLight tothine out of Dark, - nefs, hathfiined in our Hearts, to give the Light ofthe knowledge ofthe Glory of God in the Face of 7ejos Ghri. . ' That Glory shines- with greateft Advantage to our Transformation, in the Face, or Afpeét of Emmanuel. When we fet our Faces that way, and our Eye meets his, we put our (elves into a purpofed Posture of Intuition, and do steadily looktoYefts; when we, with open Face, behold, as in a Glafs, the 2 Cor. 3. Glory ofthe Lord, we are changed from Glory to Glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. His very Spirit enters with thofe vital Beams ; enter s at our Eye, and is thence transfus'd through our whole Soul. The Seed, and generative Principle of the New Creature is Truth. Being I Pet. i. horn again, not of corruptible Seed, but incorruptible, the Word of God. We mutt underhand it of .pradical Truth, or that which feves to thew what ewe P are