o The Living Temple. Part II. Ch. 2. V. are to be, and do, in our new and re- T, 2,3, 4. generate State. Hereby Souls are be- gotten to God, hereby they live and grow, hereby they come and joyn as litingStones to the living.Corner Stone,in theCompofition of this Spiritual Houfe. (as we fee the Series of Difcourfe runs in this Context). Now we have this pray` ical Truth, not only exhibited in .Aphorifms and Maxims in the Word, but we have it exemplify'd in the Lift ofChrifl. Andwhen the great Reno- vating Work is to be done, the Old I3ph. 4. Man to be put off; the New Man to be ver. 26. put on, the Spirit ofour Mind to be re- 21. new'd. Our Bufinefs is to learn. Chrifi, 24. and the Truth, as it is in Yefns. So is 4 accompli[ht the Formation of that new Man that is after God. And when we become his (fecond) Workivanfhip, we are created in Chrifi jefus unto good Works. Caught into Union with that Spirit, which fhew'd it felf in the wholeCourfe of his Converfation on Earth, and is gradually to work and form us to an imitationofhiai. Whereunto we are not form'd, by weer looking on, or by ourown Con- templation only of his Life, and Ati- ons, on the one _band ; (Nat rigid Hard- nefs,