Part II. The Living Temple. 1 nefs, and RiffAverhon toftch a Tem- per and Courfe, as his was, is not fo eafily alter'd, and overcome. Nor, on the other Hand, is our looping on, ufe- lefs and in vain, as if we were to be formed, like n<eer Stones, into dead, unmoving Statues, rather than living Temples. Or, as if his Spirit Were to do that Work upon us, by a violent hand, while we know nothing of the matter, nor any way comply to the defign. But the Work mutt be done by the holding up the Reprefentation of this Primary 7ernple before our eyes, animated, and replenitht, with Divine Life and Glory, as our Patern, and the type bywhich we are to be formed-5 'till our Hearts be captivated, and won to the love and liking of latch a State. i. e. To be fo united with God, fo de- voted tó him, fo ftarnp2d and impreft with all imitable Godlike Excellencies, as lie was. We are to be foetlarnour'd herewith, as to be impatient of re, mainingwhat we were before. And fucha New contributed dired- ly hereto., and in a way ftitable to our Natures. Meer Tranfient Dif_òurfes ofkertue and Goodnejs, feem :Old and unfavoury things, to a Soul dren,:ht P 2 in