Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

212 The Living Temple. Part if in Senfuality, funk into deep Forget- - fulnefs ofGod, and fill'd with Aver- fion to Holinefs : But the Trai`E and Courfe of a Life evenly tranfa(ed, in the Power ofthe Holy Gho.if, and that is throughout uniform, and ccnl1antly agreeable to it feif, is apt, by often re- peated4nfinuations, (as Drops wear Stones) infenfibly to recommend it felf as amiable, and gain a liking even with them that were molt oppolite, and difaffeC ed. For the Nature of Man in its molt degenerate State, is not wholly deftitute of the Notions of ! er- ture, and Goodnefs : Nor of fomeflint Approbation of them. The names of Sincerity, Humility, Sobriety, A%eak- nefs, are of better found, and import, even with the worft of Men; than of Deceit, Pride, Rict, and Wrathful - nefs. Nor are they wont to accufe any for thofe former things, under their own Names. Only when they fee the bro- ken, and more imperfe& Appearances of them, and that they are rather ofer- ed at, than truly and conítantly repre- f rated in Practice : This begets a Pre- judice, and the Pretenders to them be- come fufpe&ted of Hypocrify, or a conceited Singularity, and are not cen -- fured