Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Fart IL the Living Temple. -2 t cenfured as not being grofly Evil, but rather that they are not throughly Good. But when fo unexceptionable ,a Courfe is in conftant view, as our Saviour's was, this procures, even from the ruder Vul- gar, «n acknowledgment he doth all things well, ftnd carries that Lufire, and awfd Majefly, as to command a Veneration and lbeípet ; yea, is apt to allure thotè that more narrowly ob- ferve, into a real Love, both of him, and his way;, efpecially when it hath fucha clofe, and iffi,e, as appears no way unworthy of himfelf, or his for, mer Pretenfrons. But all being taken together, refolves into the plaineft De- monttration ofmoil / cere Devoted - nefs to God, and Good-will to Men. Upon which the great Strefs is laid :: And I, ifIbe lift up, will draw all Men unto me. And how great a thing is done to- wards our entire Compliance with the Redeemer's Deign, of making s Temples to the Living God, as he him- fell was, when he, under that very Notion,. appears amiable in our Eyes! How natural, and cafe, is imitation un- to Love ! All the Powers of the Soul 4 re now, in the rofi natural way, ex- P cited