t 4 The Living Tel', le. Part II; cited and fet on Work. And we (hall not eafily be induced to fatisfy our felves, or admit ot being at reft, 'till . we attain a State, with the .Lovelinefr whereof,our Hearts are once taken and poffefs'd before-hand. But nothingof all this is Paid with detîgn, nor bath any `Pendency, to diminifh, or detract from that mighty Power of the B. Spirit of God, by whom Men become willing of the re- turn of the Divine Pretence, into its ancient .Refidence, and, in Subordina- tion, ac`five towards it ; but rather to magnify the Excellency of that MI: do,i, which conducts all the Exerti- ons, and Operations of that Power, fo fuitably to the Subjeai, to be wrought upon ; and the Ends and Purpo- fes to be etfec` ed thereby. Upon the whole, the Petting up of this Original temple, infcrib'd with the Great EVIMANVEL 5 or the whole eckflitution of CHRIST the Mediator, has fet a very apparent Aptitude, and rich Sufficiency in its kind, to the corn- pofîng of things, between God, and Men : The repienifhing his defolate World with lemple:r, again, every where, and thole with the Divine Pretence 5