Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Livittg Temple. 2 t Prefence : Both as there was enough in it, to procure Rerrzifion of Sin; e- nough to procure the Emiffion of the H. Spirit. An immenfe Fulnefs both ofRighteoufnefr and Spirit : Of Righ- teoufnef , for the former purpofe : And ofSpirit, for the latter. And both of thefe, in difiinCways, capable of be- ing imparted ; b'ecaufe, the power of imparting them, was, upon fuch terms, obtained; as did farisfy the Malecdicion and Cnrf of the violated Law, which inuft otherwife have everlaftinglywith- held both, from Apottate Offending. Creatures. It is not the Righteoufnefs of God, &s f rch;," that can make a guil- ty Creature g:uiltlefs ; (which rnuft rather oblige him {till to hold him guilty)or the Spirit of God, asfilch, that cart make him Holy. Here is a full Foundation, but feal'd, and flint up And what are we the better for that ? But it is the Ri?hteoufnefs and Spirit:. of Emmanuel, Godwith us ; ofHim, who zrasmade' Sin for us, that we might be made the Righteoufne(s of God in him Ands bó was made a Curfe for us, that wém ght have' the ief f ng of the Pro- mifed Spirit : Otherwife, there were not in Him, a Sufficiency toanfwer the p4 Exi- 7