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2 i 6 The Living Temple. Part II. Exigency ofthe Cafe. But as the Mat- ter is, here is abundant Sufficiency, in both refpetts, as we have already teen : And therefore, The only thing that remains to be íhewn herein, is the Neceffity and Re- quifìtenefs offuch Means as this, unto this End. For when we take notice, of fo great and fo rare a thing as an Emmanuel, fet up in the World; and find by this fo- lemn Confiitutionof him ; by the Con- dition of his Perfn ; His Accompli». nrents, Performances, Sufferings, Ac- quifitions ; the Powers and Vertues be- longing to him; that every thing bath fo apt an Afpe6t,: and is foAccomodate to the Refiitution of loft Man, and of God's Temple in and with him, that we cannot but confets : Here is a Con- trivance worthy of God, f fficient for its End. So that the Workneeds not fail of beingdone, if, in this way, it prove not to be overdone ; or if the Apparatus be not greater than was need- ful for the intended End ; or that the fame Purpofes might not have been ef- fet}ed at an eafier rate. I defign, therefore, to fpeak diftinaly and fe- verally of the Necety ofthis courf in refer-