2 tS The LivingTemple. Part II. CHAP. VI. The Neceflity of this Confituti- on ofEmmanuel, to the ere51- ing God's Teiple in the World. The Difcourfng of this Matter, proper on this OccaPion. As to God's Part herein firfi, propo fed tojbew both that a R.ecom.- pencewas neeeflary to be made, and that it could be made no other way. Towards the evin- cing the former, fundry things gradually laid down. The Point it felfargued, by comparing the Injury done to the Divine, with what we may fuppofe done to an Humane Government, where Repentancenot confiantly thought a fufficient Recompence : Other- wife a Penitent Delinquent was neverto bepunifht.Difference be- tween