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Part II. The Living Temple. 219 tween God's Pardon, and Man's in mo$i uflzal Cafes. Ravin- pence for Wrong done to Go- vernment, quite another thing from what anfwers the Appetite o fprivate Revenge. Expre f ons that feem to import it in God, how to be underflood. Shewn that they import no more than a conflant Will fo far to punifb (Yences, as is neceffary for the alerting and preferving the Rights and Dignity of bis Government. So much moil a- greeable, and nece f farily belong -. ing to the Perfe6tion of the Di- vine Nature. And if the Ju- flice of an Humane Govern- ment requires it, of the Divine much more IT may here perhaps be faid, Why might not the Matter have been o- tberwif brought about 2 Or, might not God