Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

2 : o The Livinlp Temple. Part Ii. God, of his nicer Sovereignty, have re- mitted the Wrong doze to him, without anyfuch Atonement? Andupon thefame Account, havefent frrth his :spirit to turn Mens Hearts? And ifthat muff workby Arguments and rational Perfrvafves,were there not others to have been ufed, farf- cient to this purpot, though the Son of God, had never become Man, or died upon this Account ? That to life Means exceeding the value of the End, mayfees as unfùitable to the Divine Wifdom, as not tohave ufedfifficient. And whocan think the Concernments ofilly Worms im- poffible to be managed, and brought to ei fair and happy ;Sate, mithout fo great things as the incarnation and Death of God's own Son? Wherefore, we proceed to fhew, as was promifed, 2. TheNecefty (as the Cafe flood) that this Courfe fhould be taken for this Fnd. No Man can here think, we mean, that the End it felf, was other- wife neceífary, than as the free'ft Love and Good-will made it fo; but that fuppofed, we are only to evince, that this Courfe was the nece%fary Means to attain it. And as to this, if, indeed, Modefly,