Part II. The Living temple. 2 2 t Modefty, and Reverence, were every where to be found, wherewith it would become dimfzghted Man, to judge of the Ways ofGod, any Enquiry of this kind might be forborn. And it would be enough to put us out of doubt, that this was the mofi equal and fitteft Way, that we fee it is the Way which God hath taken. Ent that crots Temper bath found much place in the World, rather to difpute God's Me- thods, than comport with them, in an obedient thankful Compliance, and Subferviency, to their intended Ends And how deeply is it to be relented, that fo momentous a thing in the Re- ligion ofChrifiians, and that aboveall other, fhould be the Subjc& and In- centive ofadmiring devout Thoughts and Affections, fhould ever hay e been made intricate, and perplext by Dif- putation ! That the Focd of Life fhould have been filled with Thorns and Gravel ! And what was molt apt to beget good Blood, and turn all to Strength, Vigor., and Spirit; fhould be rendred the Matter of' a Difa je ! This can never erough Le taken to Heart. What Complaints might the to;to d, fami{h'd Ghi:rch of Chrfi fend up