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2 2 t the Living Temple. Part II. up againft the ill Inflruments of fo great a Mifchief! " Lord ! we asked Bread, and they gave us a Stone. " They have fpoil'd the Provi(ions of thy Houfe. Our pleafanteft Fare, " t molt delicious and ftrengthningVi- " ands, they have made taftlefs, and " unfavory. What Expoftulations might it ufe with them ? " Will you not let us live ? Can nothing in our Religion be fo facred, fo important, as to efcape your perverting Hands ? The urgency of the Cafe it fell, per- mits not, that this Matter be fîlently pafs'd over. A Living Temple, needs the apt Means of 1`4ourij? ment, and Growth: And it mu(t be nourifht, and grow bywhat is fuitable to its Confiid tution. Unto which nothing is more inward, than the laying this Living Corner Stone. We will acknowledge the Reafons of divers things, in God's Determina- ttons, and Appointments, may be ve- ry deeply bidden, nor only from our more eafy view, but our moil diligent frarclì. Where they are, his telling us, the matter is fn, or fo, is rearon enough to us, to believe with reverence But when