22 4 The Living. Temple. Part II. We have (hewn, that the Conftittxa tion and Life of the Original Temple, whereofthe Account bath been given, was frfeient and aptly conducing unto both. Now being to fhew, Wherein they were aifo requifite, or neceffary to the one, and the other, we muff ac- knowledge them not alike immediately neceffiry to each of thefe ; and muff, therefore, divide the things in order whereto this trfe was taken,and fpeak ofthem feverally. Nor are they to be fo divided, as though the Procurement of Cod's re- turn for his part, and of .Ian's admit- ting thereof, for his part, were through- out to be feverally confider'd. For God's Part is larger than Man's ; and for/ferray runs into it. He is not only to give his own content, but to gain Man's. And betides his own wiú'iaag. return to repoffefs this his Temple, he is to make Man willing alfo : Or rather that Return, or Repofefhon, rightly underfood ; will be found to include the making ofMan willing; i. e. in that very return, and repojfelfion, he is to put forth that meafure of Power and Influence, by which he tn.iy be made fo. .Allthis is God's part, which he doth