_Xr Part II. The Living Temple. 2 2 5 doth gracioufly undertake, andwithout which nothing could be eife ted in this Matter. But then, becaufe Man is to be . wrought upon, in a Way fuitable to his reafonable Nature, he is to have fuch things offer'd to his Confideration, as in their own Nature, tend to perfwade him. And which that Power and Spi- rit, to be put forth, may ufe as proper- Means to that purpofe.. Now it is'. Man's part to confider fuch things, and confent thereupon. Our Bufinefs here, therefore, is to chew how neceffary the Conflitution of Emmanuel was chiefly and principally as to what, now, appears, to be God's part. And afterward, to fay fomewhat as to our own. To the former, it was recquifte, that the Original Temple, Emmanuel, thould be fet up, and be ufed to fuch immedi- ate Purpofes as have been expreffed. To the latter, was requifite, the Decla- ration hereof. To the one, that fuch a Conllitution fhould be : To the other, that it be made known to Man. If. Virf't