2 2 6 The Living Temple. Part IL II. Firft then, in reference to the for tner. This Con[itution was neceffary 5 that fo theremight be a fufcient Means for the previous Expiation of the Offence done to the Majefly of God : Or that the injurious Violation of his facred Rights, might be fufficiently recom- penc'd. And here, more particularly, Two things are to be clear'd. Firft, That, inorder toGod's re- turn, it was neceffary fuch a full Recompence fhould be remade him. Secondly, That it couldnot befull any other way, than this, by This Emmanuel *. 2d. Head comes to In difcourfing of which thins it is be Dìí= ing , cours d not intended togo in the ufual way Ch.Viii. of Controverte, to heap up a great S. I. 6.e. number ofArguments, and difcufs par- ticularly every little Cavil, that may be raifed on the contrary part ; but plain- ly to offer filch Confederations as may tend to clear the Truth, and rather pre- vent, than formally anfwer Objections again[ it. Where-