Part U. The Living Temple. 23/ Wherefore we fay, (i.) It was ne- ceffary God's Return and Vouchfafement of hisgracious reflored Prefence to Man as his Temple fhould be upon terms ofRe- compence made him (or as certain to be made) for the Indignity and Wrong done in theformer Violation thereof. We donot here need to be curious in enquiring, Whether the Confidera- tion of this Recompence to be made, had influence on the gracious purpofe of God in this Matter, or only on the Execution thereof. Nor, indeed, hath the Doubt any proper ground in the prefent Cafe, which, where it hath difquieted the Minds of any, feems to have proceeded from our too great aptnefs, to meafure God by our feives,5 and prefcribe to him the fame Methods, we our felves are wont to obferve. That is, we find it is our way, when we have a Defign to bring alout, upon which we are intent ; firfl, to pro- pound the end to our felves, which we would have effe&ed, then, to delibe- rate and confult, by what means to of fe& it. Whereupon, we allign to the. Bleffed God, the fame Courfe. But to him, all his Works are known from the beginning of the World. And he ever