aS The Living iemplé. Part II. beheld at one view; the whóle Trac`f, and «ow fe of Means, whereby any thing is to be done.,_ which he intends With the intended end it:feif. Sò that we have no .reafon to affix to him `any thought, or pnrpofe of Favour to- wards the linful Sons of Men, ancient- er, or more early, than his Profpe& of the way wherein that favourable pur- pofe was to be accornplifhed. Nor, again, can any Act, or',,Pur- p:9fe, cif his towards his Creatures, be o:herwife neceffary tohim, than from the efential .edit rde of. the Counfels of his own Will. TheDeíeriinati- ons hereof, are fuck as might not have been, or might' have been otherwif, where the thing determined ` was, by `tf:o e pweaftres, a Matter of lndilerency. VVhere it was notfo, they are ' {how- ever ne effasy, yet alfo) in that retire, moil free ; as they are directed and proved, by his infinite l jifderr-, and at- tended with that Ccnipl rccncy ' which naturally accompanies any .A0, or Pura pore, that is in it Pi-aloft unexception- ably congritous, 'zr.'l, andgood. It