Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL. The Living Temp ,fie. ? 9 It may, furthermore, be truly laid,. That nothing ought to Le ,reckon'd pof%ible to him, upon the Agreetren>t only, which it holds, toforne. one At- tribute of his, cvnfdered tingly, and apart from all the re. .: As for initance, in what is next, our prefent Cafe; Io forgive all the Sins, that everwere com- mittedagain him, without inflin up- on any Compenftion, were vainly ledg'd to be correCpondent to boundlefs Sovereign Mercy, if it will riot, as iTell,' accord with infinite Wifiiom, eyrflice, and Holinefs; as it would be unrea- fonably faid, To be agreeable enough to him, to throw all the Creatures, that never, offended him, into an end - lefs Nothingnefs, in confideìationonly of the Abfolutenefs of his Power, and Dominion. But whatfoever` he can do, muff be underítood to be a&eeabie to a Eeing abfolóately, acid every, way!, per- fed. Moreover we add, that wi at`'oever is oaf/ congruous, and fit for him to do, that is truly necejJai y to him : H cannot fwerve in the leaft tittle, we will-pot only fay, frdm what ftrid, and r gorous luilice doth exaa and chal lenge, but alfo not from what is r equi Q 3 fite