2 3 2 The Living Temple. Part H. Nor nor, can it be a doubt, but that he only is the competent 7:adge, ofwhat is becoming, and worthy of hir felf Or what is molt congruous, andfit in it fey' to be done : h a. 40. Who bath diret ed the Spirit ofthe Lord, or being his Coun- fellour, hath inftru(Jed him, &c. Surely the belt reafon we can exercife in this Cafe, is to think that Courfe reafonable whichwe find God hath chofen, altho' we had no infight at all, into the mat- ter. There are many Confiitu.tions, which wehave occafion to obferve in the Courfe ofGod's Government over the World, which, by the conflancy of them, we have ground to think found- ed in indifpenfable neceffity ; though the Reafons whereupon they are neceffary, are moit deeply latent, and hidden from us. Not to fpeak of the abítrufer Paths And Methods of Nature, whereinwhile weobferve a Conftaney ; yet, perhaps, we apprehend it might have been fame other way, as well. Perhaps it might, but it is more than we know. And tho' as hathbeen Paid, we have reafon to fuppofe, that the Ways God bath takèn, in matters of this fort, may be a1Qre abfolutely arbitrary, yet the con- ant