Part II. The LivingTemple. 2 3 3 Plant Iteration of the fame thing, or Continuation of the ancient filled courfe, (hews the peremptorinefs of the Crea- tor's. Counfel, and feems to carry with it an imply'd Rebuke of our ignorant Rathnefs, in thinking it might as well beotherwife, and afii,)falerting of his Determinations againft us. There are none fo well fiudied Naturali(ls, as to be able to give a rational Account, why it is fo, and fo, in many Inllances, wherein theymay yet difcern the In- flexiblenefs. of Nature, and perceive her Methods to be as unalterable, as they are unaccountable. 'Tis true, this is ob- vious to be feen, by any Eye, that where things are well, as they are, Conftancy loth better that Innovation, or Change; but it very much becomes TuranModeÍly, to fuppofe that there may, in many Cafes, be other Reafons to juflify the prefent Conde, which we fee not. But we may, with more Ad- vantage, confider the fixednefs of that Order, whichGod hath fet, unto the Courfe of his Difpenfation, towards his Intelligent Creatures, wherein we Ihall only inflance in fome few particulars. As