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234 The Living Temple. Part II. As firft, That there isfo little difcern- able Commerce, in the prefent fiate, be- tween the Superior Rank of theft Crea- tures, and the Inferior. That whereas we are well affured, there are intelli- gent Creatures, which inhabit not earth- ly Bodies, like ours, but hold an A- greement with us in greater things, they yet to rarely Converfe with us. When we confider, that fuch of them as re- main Innocent, and fuch of us as are, by Divine Mercy, recovered out of a State ofApo(iacy, are all fubjeec to the fame common Lord ; obferve the more fubfiantial things of the fame Law; have all the fame common End ; are st&ed by the fame Principle of Love, Devotednefs, and Zeal for the Intereft and Honour of the great Maker, and Lord ofall things. We areAll to make up one Community with them, and be Afociates in thefame future bleffedState; yet, they have little Intercourfe with us ; they fhun our fight. If fometimes they appear, it is by trani5ent, hafty Glances; They are ftrangely fly, and referved towards us; they check our Enquiries :; put us, and appear to be themfelves, in reference thereto, under awful R fmints. We know not the Rea%n