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Part H. The Lk ng Temple. 23 5 Realon of all this : Sometimes we may think, withour felves, thofepure and holy Spirits, cannot but be full ofKind- nefr, Benignity, and Love, and con. cern'd for us poor Mortals, whomthey fee put to tug, andconflict, with ma- _ nyDifficulties and Calamities 5 abufed by the cunning Malice of their, and our Enemy ; impofed upon by the Muf- ons of our own Senfes. How edify might they make many ufeful Difo- veries to us 5 relieve our Ignorance in many things 3 acquaint us, moft ex- prelly, with the frate of things in the other World ; re&ify our darn, or miflakenAApprehenfons, concerningma- ny, both religiousandphilofopJrical'Mat- ters .! But they refrain, and we know not why. Again : That, in the Days of our Saviour's Converfe on Earth, there fhouldbe fofrrange a Conneion, as to them on whom he wrought miraculous Cures, between the Divine Power, and their Faith : So that,"fometimes,we find it exprefly fail, He could do no mighty Work, becaufe oftheir - Or:belief And