236 The Living Temple. Part If. And we Wily inftance, in thefixed- nefs ofthat Courfe, which God had) fet, for making known to the World the Con- tents of the Gofpel ofChrifi : So that lit- tle is ever done therein, immediately, or by extraordinary Means. The Apo- file Paul, is ftopt in the Career of his Perfecution, by an amazing Nice, and Vifion 5 but he is,left for Infirujiion, as to his future courfe, toAnavias. Unto Cornelius an. Angel is fent, not to preach the Gofpel, but to direct him to fend for Peter, for that purpofe. The Lord cloth not immediately hirnfelf in.. fins' d the Eunuch in the Faith ofChrift but dire&s Philip to do it. And Expe- rience thews, that (according to the Rule fet in that Cafe, Rom. io.) where they have no Preachers, they have no GofPel. Nowas to all. theft Cafes, and many more, that might be thought on, can it be faid, it would have been unpsji, ifGod had ordered the matter other.. wifi than he hath ? That we cannot fo much as imagine) nor are we to think the matter determined as it is, in all filch Cafes, by meer Will and Pleafire, without a Reafon which were Ima- gination, altogether unworthy the Supream